Loizos Sergiou art paintings


Maintaining the technique of the morphological distortion, which is a constant feature of his work, he attempts to promote the imposition of the formal in the individual, the projection of the inner world and not the anthropomorphic elements. Thus the complementary themes dominate the strict composition while at the center of the image recede to show the inner peculiarities of the poet, the painter, the pianist and the sensitive lady. An entire orchestra with pianist, guitarist, violinist, flautist and accordionist sets the color concert and follows a series of other portraits imprinted with a unique psyche. The elements of photographic realism are non-existent and the portraits through a peculiar pattern, intense coloring and blurry morphing depict characters, professional monomania and psychographic features. Certainly the new work of Loizos Sergiou is another important work, yet another stage in the ascendant course of the artist.

Athens – June 1991

House of Cyprus, Cultural Center in Athens, Greece
House of Cyprus, Philologist, Historian
Professor of the University of Cyprus



After the War themes and the Anti- War themes and the Sea Landscapes we have now the Portraits. With a direct satisfaction of the painting action which characterises all his work, he paints with enthusiasm these “Portraits” which are absolutely imaginary representing a few women but mainly musicians. Shown strictly “Facing directly” with the characteristic instruments, like icons of Byzantine musician. Saints painted not in the 15th century or after Kontoglou, but in the 20th century and after Picasso. Expressionism always exists in a playful mood rather than in indignation

Athens – June 1991
Art critic 


A creator with productive presence in Cyprus well-known not only in Greece but in other foreign artistic centers with his exhibitions, continues his inquiries, renews his achievements, enriches with new efforts his expressions.

He has the ability, as he studied in Florence from 1972-1976 to get closer to the achievements of European art and to understand substantially the content of the tradition of his country which goes back thousands and thousands of years.

From the beginning of his career he was able to achieve a personal way to express his meetings with the past and the present of his country as well as more general problems of our times. From his very early efforts Sergiou moves to morphoplastic directions able to express in a personal way his experiences and knowledge of the achievements of modern art. Sergiou’s portraits are not limited to the well known elements of the physical characteristics and the realistic character of the colour, the role of the space and the static composition. But without sacrificing completely the visual reality by the transformation of the individual to formal, the formation and the monumentation of the faces and mostly the unrealistic colours, the supplementary themes and the undefined space, give a new content to portrait making.

July 1991
Professor of the History of art at the Athens University – Academic. 

Themes and composition

“Themes and composition, morphoplastic language and coating of the colour, space and atmosphere, are used with absolute safety, complete skillfulness, convincing formulation”. “There is no doubt that the violence of the language with which Sergiou expresses himself is without equal not only in modern Greek art, but also in European art as a whole and in every aspect”. “The language of the paintings by Sergiou is characterized by its spontaneity and directness by its expressionistic passion and monumental figures by the power of imposing space and the safety of composition”. “A pure and gifted artist”. “An expressionist in all his themes Sergiou is characterized by his spontaneity and purity, boldness and power of expression. He provides us with a world of monumental figures and suggestive colours, which express with astonishing clarity the entire contradiction of our world, and impersonate known powers and underground processes of life pointing out the most fundamental and the most determinant element they possess”.

Prof. of History of Modern Art,
University of Athens 

Reference to Sergiou

“My reference of Sergiou in the circle of great artists (sc. Goya, Picasso, Rouau) has been made neither to lower nor to raise him; nor because I believe he has pillaged them; on the contrary, the reference has been made because he confirms in his own way of expression the power of the solutions they have given. He derives power from them so as to have succeeded in expressing his personality with his own means. This personality is that of a Cypriot artist living in a troubled world. He tries hard to articulate his pains and good moments by painting. The great artists in turn confirm that the way is long if he wants to reach the power of their own expression”. “From a more specific point of view it is of importance that Sergiou presents himself as the next Cypriot artist to bear a peculiar violent and clear expressionism that is not found in Greece. Undoubtedly, he must have his roots far and deep into the peculiarity of the socio-cultural world of Cyprus, which, we must not forget, is washed by the same Mediterranean Sea as Spain”.

Art critic, President of Art Critics,

The Source of His Struggle

“The source of the struggle of Sergiou is the liveliness which characterizes him as a man”. “The painting of Sergiou is an accumulation of strong, primitive, and pictorial sensations that are completed and passed into the pitiless world of art”.

Painter, art critic 

Loizos Sergiou, an International Artist

In the announcement of his exhibition online, Loizos Sergiou, from Cyprus, says:
“The demon of war, the chewers of the economy, the demon, protector and supporter of the weak the one who misleads people by promoting false promises, pushes people towards them and stabs them in the back with different agendas.”

Drawings call attention of the reader, who sometimes don’t read the text, but understand the message. Unless the message presents some description of very strong thoughts like this one from Albert Einstein:

“I know not with what weapons world war III will be fought, but world war IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

In the painting “The Dinner” Symbolizing the war, so one human eats another human with a fork and knife.

The amount of art works Loizos Sergiou has done gives him a special place in the world history of art. Adding to this his great talent, maintains his name there!

Teresinka Pereira,
President of IWA International writers and Artist Association Ohio U.S.A 

The antiwar Paintings

[…] Loizos Sergiou “The antiwar Paintings” . His work unity with the general title “antiwar” a unity that he has been dealing with Since 1978. As we find out zoom his work with the title “Remains” It doesn’t really need titles and other Philological definitions to convey us its massage. All those artistic reports and many others, from with the artist’s contribution the so-closed unity, which harmonised with his colorful element. With Loizos Sergiou “antiwars” gallops in
front of us an authentic as possible and inspirized artistic era of human most important face of it […]

Nt. Hilopoullou-Rogan,
Professor of Art History at the Paris

University – Art critic Athens 1984